Young Riders Program


The purpose of the Young Rider Program is to encourage our members below the age of 25 to become involved in the sport of Eventing and continue this involvement into their adult lives as members of the US Team, volunteers at local events, coaches, trainers, competitors, and consumers of equine products. The activities of the Young Rider Program are designed to develop camaraderie among young riders, thus, hopefully, developing lifelong friendships and a commitment to the sport.

Looking for YR Forms and Docs?

Educational Reimbursement Program

Providing opportunities for members to enhance their knowledge and skills is a principal mission of the USEA Young Rider Program. USEA Educational Activities further the mission of the USEA to make the sport of eventing safe, fun, fair, and affordable for all.

Area 2 Young Rider Program members may receive a one-time reimbursement of up to $50 upon completion of certain educational activities, consistent with the guidelines below. For 2024, reimbursements will be made on a first-come-first-served basis, until such time as the available amount is expended.

Guidelines for reimbursement:

  • Only USEA registered educational activities are eligible for reimbursement; eligible educational opportunities are listed here:

  • Must be an Area 2 Young Rider Program Member prior to the start of the USEA registered educational activity

  • Must complete a minimum of 8 volunteer hours in Area 2, recorded in VIP, in the given competition year, prior to submitting the Voucher Reimbursement Form; volunteer opportunities are here:

  • Must complete and submit the Voucher Reimbursement Form to prior to November 15 of the given competition year

  • Maximum 1 reimbursement per young rider per competition year

Guidelines may be revised annually, depending on member use and contingent on future year budget availability.

If you have questions, please contact Young Rider Coordinator Angie Francart:

Area II Youth Council

The Youth Council is comprised of young riders in Area II with a common goal of connecting with and supporting other young riders through team competitions, social events, and educational opportunities. The Youth Council has a 1:10 ratio of council members to the membership base. In order to enable more engagement across all of Area 2, the Youth Council expanded to create Area II Youth Council South to support riders residing in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. 

Stay up to date with current Young Rider events by visiting their website and social media pages below.